The computer revolution of the last two decades has transformed lives the world over. It has increased productivity in industries as diverse as deep-sea drilling and fashion design, drastically improved communication globally, and made the world’s information available at your fingertips. With increasing digitization, knowing how to operate computers has almost become a basic survival skill.

Module-1 : Basic Computer Concepts


  • What is a Computer?
  • Software and Hardware
  • Hardware Components
  • Hardware Accessories
  • Operating System Software
  • Software Applications

Working with Computers

  • Computer Terminology
  • Starting and Stopping the Computer
  • Using the Mouse
  • Computer Tools & Utilities
  • Disk Utilities
  • Files & Directories
  • Manipulating Files & Folders
  • Working with the Windows Environment
  • Internet
  • E-Mail
  • Browsers, E-Mail Clients

Module-2 : Word


  • Introduction to MSWord
  • Menus
  • Shortcuts
  • Document types

Working with Documents

  • Opening Files – New & Existing
  • Saving Files
  • Formatting page and Setting Margins
  • Converting files to different formats
  • Importing
  • Exporting
  • Sending files to others
  • Editing text documents
  • Inserting
  • Deleting
  • Cut, Copy, paste
  • Undo, Redo
  • Find, Search, Replace
  • Using Tool bars, Ruler
  • Using Icons
  • Using help

Formatting Documents

  • Setting Font Styles
  • Font selection – style, size, color etc.
  • Type face – Bold, Italic, Underline
  • Case Setting
  • Highlights
  • Special symbols
  • Setting Paragraph Style
  • Alignment
  • Indents
  • Line space
  • Margins
  • Bullets and Numbering
  • Setting Page Style
  • Formatting
  • Border & Shading
  • Columns
  • Header & Footer
  • Setting Footnotes
  • Inserting manual Page break, Column break and line break

Creating Sections and Frames

  • Inserting Clip arts, pictures, and other files
  • Anchoring & Wrapping
  • Setting Document Styles
  • Table of Contents
  • Index
  • Page Numbering, data & Time, Author etc.
  • Creating Master Documents
  • Web Page

Creating Tables

  • Table Settings
  • Borders
  • Alignments
  • Insertion, deletion
  • Merging
  • Splitting
  • Sorting
  • Formulas


  • Inserting Pictures/Files etc.
  • Drawing Pictures
  • Formatting & Editing pictures
  • Grouping and ordering
  • Rotating


  • Work Completion
  • Spell Checks
  • Macros
  • Mail merge
  • Templates
  • Using Wizards
  • Tracking Changes
  • Security

Module 3 : MS Excel


  • Spreadsheet & its Applications
  • Opening spreadsheet
  • Menus & Toolbars & icons
  • Shortcuts
  • Using help
  • Shortcuts

Working with Spreadsheets

  • Opening a File
  • Saving Files
  • Setting Margins
  • Converting files to different formats
  • Importing, Exporting and Sending files to others
  • Spreadsheet addressing
  • Rows, Columns & Cells,
  • Referring cells and Selecting cells
  • Entering and Editing Data
  • Entering Data
  • Cut, Copy, paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Search & Replace
  • Filling continuous rows, columns
  • Inserting – Data, cells, column, rows & sheets
  • Manual breaks
  • Computing data
  • Setting Formula
  • Finding total in a column or row
  • Mathematical operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Exponentiation)
  • Using other Formulas

Formatting Spreadsheets

  • Formatting – Cell, row, column & Sheet
  • Alignment, Font, Border & Shading
  • Highlights values
  • Hiding/Locking Cells
  • Worksheet
  • Sheet Name
  • Rows & Columns Headers
  • Row Height, Column Width
  • Visibility – Row, Column, Sheet
  • Security
  • Formatting – Worksheet
  • Sheet Formatting & style – background, color, Borders & shading
  • Anchoring objects
  • Formatting layout for Graphics, Clipart etc.,

Working with Sheets

  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Validation
  • Consolidation
  • Subtotal
  • Creating Charts
  • Selecting charts
  • Formatting charts, label
  • Scaling etc.

Using Tools

  • Error Checking
  • Spell Checks
  • Macros
  • Formula Auditing
  • Creating & using Templates
  • Tracking Changes
  • Customization
  • Printing worksheet

Module 4 : MS Power Point


  • Opening new Presentation
  • Different presentation templates
  • Setting backgrounds
  • Selecting presentation layouts

Creating a Presentation

  • Setting presentation style
  • Adding Text to the presentation
  • Forming a presentation
  • Adding style
  • Color, gradient fills
  • Arranging objects
  • Adding Header & Footer
  • Slide Background
  • Slide Layout
  • Adding Graphics to the Presentation
  • Inserting pictures, movies, tables, etc into the presentation
  • Drawing Pictures using Draw

Adding Effects to the Presentation

  • Setting Animation & transition effect
  • Adding audio and video
  • Printing Handouts
  • Generating standalone presentation viewer

Job Opportunity After Computer Basic

Data Entry Operator

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