MySQL and PHP are two of the most popular open source technologies to emerge over the past two decades. PHP is a powerful scripting language for writing server-side Web applications. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). Together, these two technologies provide you with a powerful platform for building database-driven Web applications and websites.

During this course, students will be providing hands-on training on how to build an entire dynamic website, thus ensuring that they have the necessary experience, skills and confidence to build dynamic websites later on. Students will also learn how to write commands in SQL to query and modify the MySQL database. Other topics include gathering and processing information from forms, file uploading, relational database design and password-protection.

PHP Introduction

  • Introduction PHP and MySQL
  • Benefits of Using PHP MySQL
  • Setup of PHP Environment
  • Testing the Page
  • Troubleshooting Installation Errors

PHP Programming Concepts

  • Write your First PHP Program
  • Embed PHP in HTML/HTML in PHP
  • PHP Data Types
  • Variables in PHP
  • Super Global Variables
  • Operators in PHP
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops (For, While, Do While, For each)

PHP Functions

    • Using Functions in PHP
    • User Defined Functions
    • Predefined Functions
    • Common Functions
    • String Functions
    • File Functions
    • Data Functions
    • Hash Functions
    • Mail Functions
    • MySQL Database Training
    • What is Database?
    • Understanding an RDBMS
    • Understanding Tables, Records, and Fields
    • SQL Language
    • Using the MySQL Command-Line
    • Client

Working with MySQL Admin

  • Working with PHP MyAdmin
  • Creating Databases
  • Types of Databases
  • Creating Tables in Databases
  • Specifying Field Data Type
  • Selecting the Most Appropriate Data Type
  • Adding Field Modifiers and Keys
  • Selecting a Table Type Altering Tables
  • Altering Table and Field Names
  • Altering Field Properties
  • Adding and Removing Fields and Keys
  • Altering Table Types
  • Backing Up and Restoring Databases and Tables
  • Backing Up Databases and Tables
  • Restoring Databases and Tables from Backup
  • Dropping Databases and Tables
  • Viewing Database, Table, and Field Information

SQL Queries

  • Inserting Records
  • Editing and Deleting Records
  • Perform Queries
  • Retrieving Specific Columns
  • Filtering Records with a WHERE Clause
  • Using Operators
  • Sorting Records and Eliminating Duplicates
  • Limiting Results
  • Using Built-In Functions
  • Grouping Records
  • Joining Tables
  • Using Sub queries
  • Using Table and Column Aliases
  • Why use Arrays
  • Types of Arrays
  • Creating Arrays
  • Accessing Arrays
  • Array Functions
  • Using Array Functions

Job Opportunity after PHP Programming

  • Computer Programmers
  • Website Developers
  • Software Engineer
  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Programmer
  • Associate Software Engineer
  • Lead Software Engineer
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