Python is highly versatile. You can use it for both smell and complex tasks, and it is used across many different industries – from its more common applications in data science and software engineering to environment like mobile app development, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.


Introduction to script
*What is script, program?
* Types of Scripts
* Difference between Script and Programming languages
* Features and limitation of Scripting
* Types of programming Language Paradigms Introduction to Python
* What is Python?
* Characteristics of Python
* History of Python
* Python Versions
* Install Python with Diff IDEs
* Features and Limitations of Python
* Python Applications
* Creating Your First Python Program
* Printing to the Screen
* Reading Keyboards Input
* Different Modes in PYTHON
* Execute the Script
* Interactive and Script Mode
* Python File Extensions
* Clear screen inside python
* Learn Python Main Function
* Python Comments
* Quit the Python Shell
* Shell as a Simple calculator
* Order of operations
* Multiline Statements
* Quotations in Python
* Python Path Testing
* Joining two lines
* Python Implementation Alternatives
* Sub Packages in Python
* Variables in Python
* What is Variable?
* Variables and Constants in Python
* Variable, Variable names and Value
* Mnemonic Variable Names
* Values and Types
* What Does “Type” Mean?
* Multiple Assignment
* Python different numerical types
* Standard Data Types
* Operators and Operands
* Order of Operations
* Swap variables
* Python Mathematics
* Type Conversion String Handling
* What is string?
* String operations and indices
* Basic String Operations
* String Functions, Methods
* Delete a string
* String Multiplication and concatenation
* Python Keywords, Identifiers and Literals
* String Formatting Operator
* Structuring with indentation in Python
* Built-in String Methods Python Operators and Operands
* Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators
* Python Assignment Operators
* Short hand Assignment Operators
* Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators
* Membership Operators
* Identify Operators
* Operator precedence
* Evaluating Expressions Python Conditional Statements
* How to use “if condition” in conditional structures
* if statement (One-Way Decisions)
* if .. else statement (Two-Way Decisions)
* How to use “else condition”
* if ..elf ..else statement (Multi-way)
* When “else condition” does not work
* How to use “elf” condition
* How to execute conditional statement with minimal code Python LOOPS
* How to use “While Loop” and “For Loop”
* How to use for Loop for set of other things besides numbers
* Break statements, Continue statement, Enumerate function for For Loop
* Practical Example
* How to use for loop to repeat the same statement over and again
* Break, continue statement

Job Opportunities After Python

  • Product Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Software Developer
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