Busy software has many unique features that makes it different from other software some of its features are it is easy to use, flexible, multi-location inventory, advanced reporting system.


General Features

  • Introduction of Busy
  • Shortcut Keys of Busy


Financial Accounting

  • All Books of Accounts & Final Results
  • Balance Sheet with various Schedules
  • Columnar Account Registers (Configurable)
  • Daily / Monthly Summaries of Accounts, Account Groups and Cost Centre’s
  • Bill-wise Outstanding with Ageing Analysis
  • Payment Reminder Letters (Configurable)
  • Statement of Account (Configurable)
  • Handling of Post-dated Cheques
  • Broker-wise Reporting
  • Royalty Calculation
  • Interest Calculation (Multiple Slabs based on Amt. & Days)
  • Bank Interest Calculation
  • Bank Re-conciliation
  • Depreciation Chart (As per Companies Act / IT Act)
  • Multi-Currency Accounting
  • Cost Centre-wise Reporting


Multi Location Inventory

  • All books of Inventory
  • Stock Status (Multi-location)
  • Sales / Purchase Challans
  • Columnar Inventory Registers (Configurable)
  • Stock Valuation on Multiple Methods
  • Separate Stock Valuation Method for each Item
  • Item Serial No. Tracking
  • Stock Ageing Analysis
  • Allocation of Expenses to Items
  • Daily / Monthly Summaries of Items and Item Groups
  • Automatic Round-off in Vouchers
  • Primary and Alternate Unit for each Item
  • Batch-wise Inventory with Expiry Date
  • Provision for Free Qty in Inventory Vouchers
  • Provision for entering Sales / Purchase Return in Sales / Purchase Vouchers
  • Production / Un-assemble
  • BOM / Production Planning
  • Critical Level Reporting
  • Multiple Price-list for Items
  • Multiple Price Structures (Party / Qty / Category-wise)
  • Provision to update Item Prices on various Criterion


Sales/Purchase Order Processing

  • Pending Sales Orders (Party / Item-wise)
  • Pending Purchase Orders (Party / Item-wise)
  • Order Cancellation
  • Invoice / Challan Generation from Orders
  • User-Configurable Invoicing


Fully User Configurable

  • Use Plain / Pre-printed Stationery
  • Option for Fonts, Colors& Logos
  • Option to Print Outer Box, Horizontal & Vertical Lines
  • Multiple-taxes in Single Invoice
  • Tax Inclusive / MRP Billing
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) Billing
  • Excise Invoicing
  • Trading Excise Invoicing


User Configurable Documents

  • Accounting Vouchers
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Sales Return / Purchase Return Invoice
  • Receipt / Payment Advice
  • Debit / Credit Note
  • Sales / Purchase Order
  • Delivery Note / Goods Receipt Note
  • Stock Transfer Memo


Sales Tax Reports

  • Sales Tax Forms Receivables / Issuable
  • Sales Tax Forms Reminder Letters
  • Forms Received / Issued Register
  • Sales Tax / Purchase Tax Summary
  • Sales Tax Surcharge
  • Sales Tax Registers


VAT Reports

  • VAT Computation / Summary
  • VAT Invoicing (Tax / Retail)
  • VAT Returns (State-wise)
  • VAT Registers (State-wise)
  • Columnar VAT Registers (Configurable)
  • Party-wise / Item-wise VAT Summary
  • Party-wise / Item-wise CST Summary
  • Sales Re-conciliation as per Accounts and VAT


MFG/Trading Excise

  • PLA Register
  • RG23A-I Register
  • RG23A-II Register
  • Cen vat Return
  • RG23C-II Register
  • RG-I Register
  • Excise Duty Register
  • ER-1 Return
  • ER-3 Return
  • RG-23D Register
  • Form-2 Register


Service Tax

  • Input Service Tax Register
  • Output Service Tax Register
  • Service Tax Summary
  • ST-3 (Service Tax Return)


TDS Reports

  • TDS Calculation
  • TDS Warning Alarms
  • TDS Challan
  • TDS Certificate (Form 16-A)
  • TDS Return (Form 26-Q)
  • Annexures to Form 26-Q
  • e-TDS with TDS 27-A
  • TDS Audit Report
  • TDS Deduction Details Report


Fringe Benefit Tax

  • Mark Expenses as FBT
  • Expense-wise Taxable Value
  • Option to charge FBT on Account Groups
  • Fringe Benefit Tax Report


MIS Reports

  • Cash Flow / Funds Flow
  • Budgets / Targets / Credit Limits
  • Ratio Analysis
  • Sales / Purchase Analysis on various combinations
  • Issue / Receipt Analysis
  • Consumption Analysis
  • Data Check List
  • Profitability Reports (Item / Bill / Party / Batch / MC?wise)
  • Multi-Company Final Results / Reports



  • Data Freezing
  • Pop-up Calculator
  • Notes / Task Manager
  • User-definable Access Rights
  • User-definable Warning Alarms
  • Account / Item Labels Printing
  • Merging of Accounts / Items
  • Synchronization of Masters
  • Data Export / Import (XML / MS-Excel)
  • Reports Export (Plain File / HTML / PDF / MS-Excel)
  • Bills Reference Adjustment Wizard
  • Batch Deletion of Masters & Vouchers
  • Voucher Replication
  • Direct SMS of Print Reports
  • Direct E-Mail of Reports (Print / Screen)
  • Year-wise Data Backup and Restore
  • FTP Backup and Restore
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