C is a programming language that is both versatile and popular, allowing it to be used in a vast array of applications and technologies. It can, for example, be used to write the code for operating systems, much more complex programs and everything between. Its simplicity and flexibility are largely because it can function independently of machines, which has lent itself to becoming one of the foundational programming languages in the industry.

Acquiring an understanding of C will help you learn a wide range of other programming languages that use C as their basis by borrowing the features and syntax of C, such as Java and C++.

Course Contents

  • What is C?
  • Variables/ Data
  • Types/Constants/Keywords/Modifiers
  • Operators
  • Control statement (IF,IF/Else
  • Switch Case
  • Loops (For/While/DoWhile)
  • Loops Practice
  • Arrays (Single/Multi Dimentional
  • Array Operating (Sorting/Searching)
  • Strings
  • Various String Operations
  • Functions A Simple Function
  • Argument Passing
  • Call by Value/Reference
  • Storage classes & Recursion
  • Pointers (pointers vs Arrays)
  • Preprocessor directives
  • What is macro?
  • Macro using arguments.
  • Macro versus Function
  • Structure
  • Unions
  • Linked List
  • Linked List
  • Linked List
  • File Handling
  • File Handling
  • File Handling
  • Command line arguments

Job Opportunity after C Programming

  • Computer Programmer
  • Software programmer
  • Associate Engineer Software
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