Module 1: Basic Computer Concepts:

  • Introduction
  1. What is a Computer?
  2. Software and Hardware
  3. Hardware Components
  4. Hardware Accessories
  5. Operating System Software
  6. Software Applications
  • Working with Computers
  1. Computer Terminology
  2. Starting and Stopping the Computer
  3. Using the Mouse
  4. Computer Tools & Utilities
  5. Disk Utilities
  6. Files & Directories
  7. Manipulating Files & Folders
  8. Working with the Windows Environment
  9. Internet
  10. E-Mail
  11. Browsers, E-Mail Clients

Module 2: Word

  • Introduction
  1. Introduction to MSWord
  2. Menus
  3. Shortcuts
  4. Document types
  • Working with Documents
  1. Opening Files – New & Existing
  2. Saving Files
  3. Formatting page and Setting Margins
  4. Converting files to different formats
  5. Importing
  6. Exporting
  7. Sending files to others
  8. Editing text documents
  9. Inserting
  10. Deleting
  11. Cut, Copy, paste
  12. Undo, Redo
  13. Find, Search, Replace
  14. Using Tool bars, Ruler
  15. Using Icons
  16. Using help
  • Formatting Documents
  1. Setting Font Styles
  2. Font selection – style, size, color etc.
  3. Type face – Bold, Italic, Underline
  4. Case Setting
  5. Highlights
  6. Special symbols
  7. Setting Paragraph Style
  8. Alignment
  9. Indents
  10. Line space
  11. Margins
  12. Bullets and Numbering
  13. Setting Page Style
  14. Formatting
  15. Border & Shading
  16. Columns
  17. Header & Footer
  18. Setting Footnotes
  19. Inserting manual Page break, Column break and line break
  • Creating sections and frames
  1. Inserting Clip arts, pictures, and other files
  2. Anchoring & Wrapping
  3. Setting Document Styles
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Index
  6. Page Numbering, data & Time, Author etc.
  7. Creating Master Documents
  8. Web Page
  • Creating Tables
  1. Table
  2. Settings
  3. Borders
  4. Alignments
  5. Insertion, deletion
  6. Merging
  7. Splitting
  8. Sorting
  9. Formulas
  • Drawing
  1. Inserting Pictures/Files etc.
  2. Drawing Pictures
  3. Formatting & Editing pictures
  4. Grouping and ordering
  5. Rotating
  • Tools
  1. Work Completion
  2. Spell Checks
  3. Macros
  4. Mail merge
  5. Templates
  6. Using Wizards
  7. Tracking Changes
  8. Security

Module 3: MS Excel

1 Introduction

  1. Spreadsheet & its Applications
  2. Opening spreadsheet
  3. Menus & Toolbars & icons
  4. Shortcuts
  5. Using help
  6. Shortcuts

2 Working with Spreadsheets

  1. Opening a File
  2. Saving Files
  3. Setting Margins
  4. Converting files to different formats
  5. Importing, Exporting and Sending files to others
  6. Spreadsheet addressing
  7. Rows, Columns & Cells,
  8. Referring cells and Selecting cells
  9. Entering and Editing Data
  10. Entering Data
  11. Cut, Copy, paste, Undo, Redo, Find, Search & Replace
  12. Filling continuous rows, columns
  13. Inserting – Data, cells, column, rows & sheets
  14. Manual breaks
  15. Computing data
  16. Setting Formula
  17. Finding total in a column or row
  18. Mathematical operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Exponentiation)
  19. Using other Formulas

3 Formatting Spreadsheets

  1. Formatting – Cell, row, column & Sheet
  2. Alignment, Font, Border & Shading
  3. Highlights values
  4. Hiding/Locking Cells
  5. Worksheet
  6. Sheet Name
  7. Rows & Columns Headers
  8. Row Height, Column Width
  9. Visibility – Row, Column, Sheet
  10. Security
  11. Formatting – Worksheet
  12. Sheet Formatting & style – background, color, Borders & shading
  13. Anchoring objects
  14. Formatting layout for Graphics, Clipart etc.,

4 Working with sheets

  1. Sorting
  2. Filtering
  3. Validation
  4. Consolidation
  5. Subtotal
  6. Creating Charts
  7. Selecting charts
  8. Formatting charts, label, scaling etc.

5 Using Tools

  1. Error Checking
  2. Spell Checks
  3. Macros
  4. Formula Auditing
  5. Creating & using Templates
  6. Tracking Changes
  7. Customization
  8. Printing worksheet

Module 4th: MS Power Point

1 Introduction

  1. Opening new Presentation
  2. Different presentation templates
  3. Setting backgrounds
  4. Selecting presentation layouts

2 Creating a presentation

  1. Setting presentation style
  2. Adding Text to the presentation
  3. Forming a presentation
  4. Adding style
  5. Color, gradient fills
  6. Arranging objects
  7. Adding Header & Footer
  8. Slide Background
  9. Slide Layout
  10. Adding Graphics to the Presentation
  11. Inserting pictures, movies, tables, etc into the presentation
  12. Drawing Pictures using Draw

2 Adding effects to the presentation

  1. Setting Animation & transition effect
  2. Adding audio and video
  3. Printing Handouts
  4. Generating standalone presentation viewer

C language

C is a programming language that is both versatile and popular, allowing it to be used in a vast array of applications and technologies. It can, for example, be used to write the code for operating systems, much more complex programs and everything between. Its simplicity and flexibility are largely because it can function independently of machines, which has lent itself to becoming one of the foundational programming languages in the industry.

Acquiring an understanding of C will help you learn a wide range of other programming languages that use C as their basis by borrowing the features and syntax of C, such as Java and C++.

  • What is C?
  • Variables/ Data
  • Types/Constants/Keywords/Modifiers
  • Operators
  • Control statement (IF, IF/Else
  • Switch Case
  • Loops (For/While/Do While)
  • Loops Practice
  • Arrays (Single/Multi-Dimensional
  • Array Operating (Sorting/Searching)
  • Strings
  • Various String Operations
  • Functions A Simple Function
  • Argument Passing
  • Call by Value/Reference
  • Storage classes & Recursion
  • Pointers (pointers vs Arrays)
  • Preprocessor directives
  • What is macro?
  • Macro using arguments.
  • Macro versus Function
  • Structure
  • Unions
  • Linked List
  • Linked List
  • Linked List
  • File Handling
  • File Handling
  • File Handling
  • Command line arguments


If you plan to pursue a career in coding/programming, then you must seriously consider learning the C and C++ languages. No other programming language will train your brain to think like a software programmer/developer the way C and C++ do. C is a procedural programming language while C++ is a superset of C and has Object Oriented programming features.

Here are a few reasons why gaining mastery in C/C++ compared to other programming languages can prove to be a good career move: Companies that build complex software products prefer C/C++ programmers to others as these are the languages used for building the foundations of complex. Software products.

Basic in C++

  • Programming Methods
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Introduction to C++
  • Variables, Data types, Operators
  • Reference Operator
  • Scope (:) Resolution Operators
  • New Structure of a C++ program

Control Structures

  • Conditional – if, if …else, Nested if …else, Switch …Case
  • Loops – While, do …While, For, Nested Loops
  • Jump – Go to, Continue & Break


  • Introduction a Function
  • Defining a Function
  • Prototypes
  • Actual and Formal Arguments
  • Parameter Passing Techniques
  • Call by Value
  • Call by Reference
  • Call by Pointer
  • Default Arguments
  • Function Overloading
  • Inline Functions

Oops Concepts

  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Static Binding
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Inheritance
  • Message Passing
  • Class
  • Object

Classes and Objects

  • Class Declaration
  • Access Member and Member Functions
  • Creating Objects
  • Differences between Class and Structure
  • Objects as arguments
  • Returning Objects
  • Static Members
  • Friend Functions
  • Friend Classes

Constructors and Destructors

  • Introduction
  • Defining Constructor
  • Comparing Constructor Member Function
  • Default Constructor
  • Argument Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Default Argument in Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Defining Destructor

Operator Overloading

  • Need of Overloading
  • Defining Operator Overloaded Function
  • Operator Overloading Rules
  • Overloading Unary Operators
  • Overloading Unary Operators using Friend
  • Overloading Binary Operators using Friend
  • Overloading Other Operators


  • Introduction
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Single Level Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Base Class
  • Derived Class
  • Inheritance Scope
  • Protected Members
  • Virtual Base Class
  • Virtual Destructors

Polymorphism and Virtual Functions

  • Type Polymorphism
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Function Overriding
  • Difference between Function Overloading and Overriding
  • Need of Virtual Functions
  • Pure virtual Functions

Exception Handling

  • What is Exception?
  • Need of Handling Exceptions
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Exception Handling Mechanism


  • Hierarchy of File Streams
  • Opening a File
  • File Opening Modes
  • Sequential Access Files
  • Random Access Files
  • Command Line Arguments

Job Opportunity after C++ Programming

  • Computer programmers
  • Software programmer
  • Associate Software Engineer
  • Lead Software Engineer
  • Team Leader


Python is highly versatile. You can use it for both smell and complex tasks, and it is used across many different industries – from its more common applications in data science and software engineering to environment like mobile app development, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

  • Introduction to script
  • what is script, program?
  • Types of Scripts
  • Difference between Script and Programming languages
  • Features and limitation of Scripting
  • Types of programming Language Paradigms Introduction to Python
  • What is Python?
  • Characteristics of Python
  • History of Python
  • Python Versions
  • Install Python with Diff IDEs
  • Features and Limitations of Python
  • Python Applications
  • Creating Your First Python Program
  • Printing to the Screen
  • Reading Keyboards Input
  • Different Modes in PYTHON
  • Execute the Script
  • Interactive and Script Mode
  • Python File Extensions
  • Clear screen inside python
  • Learn Python Main Function
  • Python Comments
  • Quit the Python Shell
  • Shell as a Simple calculator
  • Order of operations
  • Multiline Statements
  • Quotations in Python
  • Python Path Testing
  • Joining two lines
  • Python Implementation Alternatives
  • Sub Packages in Python
  • Variables in Python
  • What is Variable?
  • Variables and Constants in Python
  • Variable, Variable names and Value
  • mnemonic Variable Names
  • Values and Types
  • What Does “Type” Mean?
  • Multiple Assignment
  • Python different numerical types
  • Standard Data Types
  • Operators and Operands
  • Order of Operations
  • Swap variables
  • Python Mathematics
  • Type Conversion String Handling
  • What is string?
  • String operations and indices
  • Basic String Operations
  • String Functions, Methods
  • Delete a string
  • String Multiplication and concatenation
  • Python Keywords, Identifiers and Literals
  • String Formatting Operator
  • Structuring with indentation in Python
  • Built-in String Methods Python Operators and Operands
  • Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Short hand Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators
  • Membership Operators
  • Identify Operators
  • Operator precedence
  • Evaluating Expressions Python Conditional Statements
  • How to use “if condition” in conditional structures
  • if statement (One-Way Decisions)s

Job Opportunity after Diploma in Computer Programming

  • Computer Programmers
  • Website Developers
  • Software Engineer
  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Programmer
  • Associate Software Engineer
  • Lead Software Engineer
  • Team Leader
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